Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day Bento

Well, I tried anyway.  In honor of election day I thought about some American favorites, like hot dogs, corn on the cob, and apple pie.  And then I modified them.

This Goodbyn is full of carbs so I decided to forgo the buns and wrap the hot dogs in tortillas.  What can I say, we're from Texas . . . it works for us.  The kids love corn on the cob too, so I made sure to cut them in manageable pieces for the quick lunch they have at school.  I also made a pastry with a store bought pie shell.  The stuffing was made from scratch with fresh strawberries, sugar, and cornstarch.  Jamie liked it so much he said I should make a gallon of it.  I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.  :-)

I used a star shaped cookie cutter to make the pastries.  I think these would have worked fine if I had used a larger star.  As it was I couldn't seal the sides very well and ended up with "bleeding starfish". Yummy?  Well, they weren't great to look at, but they did taste good.

Also included in the bento:  Capri Sun Roaring Waters, grapes, orange slices, cucumber and carrot sticks with Ranch dip and cherry tomatoes.


  1. I think that is pretty awesome Lesle! Well done!

  2. those stars look YUMMY! Cute ideas!

  3. Aww this is adorable Lesle! No elections happening over here but I might steal some ideas for the future
