Thursday, November 18, 2010

Food Storage

I am big on food storage for a number of reasons - mainly because it saves money in the long run, but also because it means there is always something on hand to eat, even if I didn't manage to get to the shops on time!

Some people are worried about using food storage thinking it isn't always healthy and it's not very appetising or its a chore / mundane. Not so!

Check out my Goodbyn Today:

I have canned pears to which I have added some dried apple chunks and a handful of sultanas.
Cheese Crackers.
Left over rice from dinner with a little leftover salad
Homemade (with food storage) Oat Flapjack

It has a really Autumnal Feel about it and was totally delicious. Over the coming weeks I will be looking at food storage products in more detail.

In the meantime, why not check out our challenge and you could win yourself your very own Goodbyn!


  1. Love this G! I have a huge food storage as well and some of it is getting ready to be used! I will definitely be enjoying your posts the next couple of weeks to get some great ideas!!!

  2. Fantastic! It is always good to see these boxes being used with NO extra packaging! My boy is the envy of a lot of kids at school with his lunches! I have even encourage his teacher to buy two for her girls and two other mum's aske d me where to get them!! Love this blog!! working on the challenge for tomorrow!! =)

  3. I love how colorful your lunch is!
